I’m giving away my shoes to you!!

Iā€™m giving my shoes away to my followers !!!!
The one thing I have more of than anything in my life (apart from love šŸ’•) is BAREFOOT SHOES!!!

I also know that for many people buying barefoot shoes is difficult because of the costs.
With that in mind, Iā€™d like to pass on 14 pairs of our family shoes that have been reviewed on my blog to those of you who would like them. They are graded. A grade means as new or almost new. B grade means a few scuffs. C grade means well worn. There are also two unused pairs of toe-spacers I am giving away also. All I ask is that you cover postage (bear in mind I live in Switzerland).

Below are the shoes/accessories up for grabs.

All you need to do is SUBSCRIBE to my blog and COMMENT at the end of THIS post the brand and style you would like to win. Comment as many times as you like!

I will randomly draw the winners on Saturday night! I will announce the winners by commenting under their comment, then you simply contact me to organise getting your shoes to you!

Good luck everyone, and keep an eye out for more of these in the future. It’s my way of saying thank you for following and supporting me!

**Note: For anyone arriving here, please subscribe to enter this giveaway first below. I want this giveaway to be aimed at those who have supported and followed me. Thanks!


  1. Zeazoo Coral Size 39 (A Grade)
    Ahinsa Sundara Size 39 (A Grade)
    Ahinsa Ballerina Size 39 (A Grade)
    Foot Collective Wild Toes (A Grade)
    Feelgrounds Patrol Size 39 (A Grade
    Ahinsa Bindu 2 Size 39 (A Grade)
    JoyaToes Size Large (A grade)
    Labky Sandals Size 39 (A Grade)
    Labky Sandals Size 39 (A Grade)

    • Amazing giveaway! This is so kind and generous! If I won any, I’d be interested in:

      Freet Flex
      Xenet Kids
      Geniale Sandal
      Zeazoo Coral
      Wildlings Bluebird
      Ahinsa Sundara Hemp
      Ahinsa Bindu 2
      Labky Sandals (purple and black ones)
      Foot collective Wild Toes

  2. What a wonderful idea,you are so kind and generous ā¤ļø
    Would love the
    Labky sandals turquoise size 39
    Labky sandals purple size 39
    Zeazoo coral 39
    Ahinsa hemp size 39
    Wildlings bluebird size 39

    • Hi Suzanne
      I have some good news for you!
      You are the šŸŽ‰ winner šŸŽ‰ of the Labky Turquoise sandals!
      I have emailed you to organise getting them over to you! Thanks for entering!

  3. What a lovely idea šŸ™‚
    Any of Labky Sandals Size 39, Skinners Kids Size 28 or Foot Collective Wild Toes would be amazing to try out. Thank you šŸ™‚

    • Hi Mat,

      I have some good news for you!
      You are the šŸŽ‰ winner šŸŽ‰ of the Skinners kids!
      I have emailed you to organise getting them over to you! Thanks for entering!

  4. What a great giveaway. I would love to be entered to win either
    Ahinsa Ballerina Size 39 (A Grade) or
    Wildlings Bluebird Size 39 (B Grade)

    Thank you

  5. Ahinsa bindu 2

    Iā€™m pleased to be following you now and learning more about these types of shoes. So far I only have several pairs of Xero shoes which I love.

  6. Already subscribed and appreciate your work, Iā€™m definitely one of those families who donā€™t have the extra to spend on barefoot shoes so thank you for thinking of people like us šŸ™šŸ˜Š I would love the blue wildlings

    • Hi Ginny
      I have some good news for you!
      You are the šŸŽ‰ winner šŸŽ‰ of the Wildlings shoes!
      I have emailed you to organise getting them over to you! Thanks for entering!

  7. Very excited to learn even more about minimalist shoes!
    Ahinsa Sundara size 39
    Ahinsa Sundara hemp 39
    Feel grounds patrol size 39
    Ahinsa Bhindu 2 size 39

  8. I wpuld absolutely love the ahinsa sanara brown boots to gift to my mum,who has very sad feet after a life of non barefoot shoes! X

    • Hi Emme,

      I have some good news for you!
      You are the šŸŽ‰ winner šŸŽ‰ of the Labky brown and burgundy sandals!
      I have emailed you to organise getting them over to you! Thanks for entering!

    • Hi Phil
      I have some good news for you!
      You are the šŸŽ‰ winner šŸŽ‰ of the Freet Flex shoes!
      I have emailed you to organise getting them over to you! Thanks for entering!

  9. What an amazing idea and giveaway. šŸ˜
    I’d love to try any of these…
    Ahinsa Sundara Size 39 (A Grade)
    Zeazoo Coral Size 39 (A Grade)
    Wildlings Bluebird Size 39 (B Grade)
    Ahinsa Bindu 2 Size 39 (A Grade)
    Feelgrounds Patrol Size 39 (A Grade)
    JoyaToes Size Large (A grade)
    Many thanks and good luck everyone!

  10. This is so lovely of you! I’d be delighted to put to really good use any of the following:
    Freet Flex size 31
    Geniale Sandals Size 39
    Either of the 2 pairs of Labky Sandals Size 39 but especially the red pair
    Wildlings Bluebird Size 39
    Ahinsa Ballerina Size 39
    Ahinsa Bindu 2 Size 39
    Feelgrounds Patrol Size 39

    • Hi Meike
      I have some good news for you!
      You are the šŸŽ‰ winner šŸŽ‰ of the Wild Toes!
      I have emailed you to organise getting them over to you! Thanks for entering!

  11. What a nice thing to do.

    I don’t know if the zeazoo coral 39 are non leather? If non leather, I’d like a shot for those.
    Also please a change for the ahinsa sundara 39 and the feelgrounds patrol 39.

    Thank you!

  12. The Ahinsa might actually be wide enough for my feet!
    I would appreciate your Ahinsa comforts for playing in the woods šŸ™‚
    My daughter and I share a shoe size right now. 12 yo’s shouldn’t have adult sized feet šŸ˜­

  13. Zeazoo Coral Size 39 (A Grade)
    Ahinsa Sundara Size 39 (A Grade)
    Ahinsa Ballerina Size 39 (A Grade)
    Wildings Bluebird Size 39 (B Grade)
    Ahinsa Bindu 2 Size 39 (A Grade)
    Ahinsa Sundara Hemp Size 39 (A Grade)

  14. Wow this is so generous of you! ā¤ļø
    I’m interested in the Ahinsa sundara size 39. I have not had the opportunity to try this brand yet.

  15. Would also love the feelgrounds patrol šŸ„° ive been trying and sending back so many waterproof outdoor boots, these seem perfect from all the reviews I have read.

    • Hi Tina
      I have some good news for you!
      You are the šŸŽ‰ winner šŸŽ‰ of the Zeazoo Kids Grade C shoes!
      I have emailed you to organise getting them over to you! Thanks for entering!

  16. For my wife Ahinsa Bindu 2 in 39. It would be her first pair of bf shoes and she has been eyeing ahinsa and it would be the perfect surprise! She deserves it. Thank you for the opportunity.

    • Hi Lukas,
      I have some good news for you!
      You are the šŸŽ‰ winner šŸŽ‰ of the Ahinsa Bindu 2 shoes!
      I have emailed you to organise getting them over to you! Thanks for entering!

  17. This is amazingly generous of you! Thanks for doing this.

    Freet Flex size 31
    Ahinsa Ballerina Size 39
    Zeazoo Coral Size 39
    Feelgrounds Patrol Size 39

    • Hi Ceci
      I have some good news for you!
      You are the šŸŽ‰ winner šŸŽ‰ of the Zeazoo coral sandals!
      I have emailed you to organise getting them over to you! Thanks for entering!

  18. Iā€™d love:
    Zeazoo Coral Size 39
    Ahinsa Sundara Size 39
    Ahinsa sundara hemp 39
    Ahinsa Ballerina Size 39
    Feelgrounds Patrol Size 39
    Ahinsa Bindu 2 Size 39
    I donā€™t know these brand yet !

  19. This is Amazing. I am interested in the Ahinsa Sundara Size 39, which I almost bought but not. Thank you si much.

    • I have some good news for you!
      You are the šŸŽ‰ winner šŸŽ‰ of the Joya Toes!
      I have emailed you to organise getting them over to you! Thanks for entering!

    • Hi Karen
      I have some good news for you!
      You are the šŸŽ‰ winner šŸŽ‰ of the Ahinsa Sundara Hemp shoes!
      I have emailed you to organise getting them over to you! Thanks for entering!

  20. I have been wanting to try Wildings and blue is my favourite colour! Thanks for holding this contest. Wildlings Bluebird size 39 please.

  21. I’d love to try the Wildlings Bluebirds! Thanks for the opportunity, this is such an awesome idea! šŸ˜Š

  22. This is amazing thank you for giving us the opportunity! I’m always on a budget so this is great.

    I would love to have a chance to win:
    Xenet Kids Fits 17.3-18.2cm (C Grade)

    Any of the size 39 shoes (so lucky you are my size! Preferably ones that accommodate a wider for) šŸ’ž
    Ahinsa Sundara Size 39 (A Grade)
    Geniale Sandals Size 39 (B Grade)
    Labky Sandals Size 39 (A Grade)
    Zeazoo Coral Size 39 (A Grade)
    Wildlings Bluebird Size 39 (B Grade)
    Ahinsa Ballerina Size 39 (A Grade)
    Ahinsa Sundara Hemp Size 39 (A Grade)
    Labky Sandals Size 39 (A Grade)
    Ahinsa Bindu 2 Size 39 (A Grade)
    Feelgrounds Patrol Size 39 (A Grade)

    Foot Collective Wild Toes (A Grade)

    Thank you!

    • Hi Jannah,
      I have some good news for you!
      You are the šŸŽ‰ winner šŸŽ‰ of the Xenet shoes!
      I have emailed you to organise getting them over to you! Thanks for entering!

  23. The Feelgrounds look awesome,.
    Would like to try these too šŸ˜†
    Thank you for your generosity ā˜ŗļøšŸ™

    • Hi Emily
      I have some good news for you!
      You have won the
      šŸŽ‰ Feelgrounds Patrol šŸŽ‰
      I will email you now to organise getting them to you!

  24. Thank you for such a generous giveaway! I would love the Wildling Bluebirds, Genial Sandals, or Labky Sandals. But honestly, Iā€™d be grateful for any of the size 39 shoes!

    • Hi Kayla, I have some good news for you!
      You are the šŸŽ‰ winner šŸŽ‰ of the Geniale sandals!
      I have emailed you to organise getting them over to you! Thanks for entering!

  25. i’m french, i don’t speak a good english … i think i have understand but…
    It’s by drawing lots ?
    I make a wish <3

  26. Great give away

    I would live any of the 39’s esp:

    Ahinsa Sundara Size 39
    Ahinsa Ballerina Size 39
    Wildings 39.
    Feelgrounds Patrol Size 39
    Ahinsa Bindu 2 Size 39
    Labky Sandals Size 39

  27. Wow this is awesome! I have one pair of Xeros so far and would love to start getting some more barefoot shoes! Just so hard when youā€™re on a tight budget! Iā€™d love any of the size 39 or the Freet Flex for my daughter so Iā€™ll comment for each. Thank you for the opportunity!

  28. I have been wanting ahinsa shoes for so long, I would really love the Ahinsa Bindu 2 in 39 šŸ™‚
    or any other model from Ahinsa in 39. Fingers crossed

  29. Or white ahinsa hemp! And thank you for helping me discover your blog in this way, I really like your approach to movement and life! šŸ™‚

  30. Just found your site and joined your mailing list! I am sure that I have missed out on all the fun, but I am looking forward to reading your articles!


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